Together for more education in South Africa - mile by mile.

A project by Pedal4travel & BuildingFuture


€75.670 of €100.000 raised



out of 100,000km

Our mission for 2023/2024

Together with you, we would like to collect 100,000€ in donations to support disadvantaged children and young people in South Africa on their educational path. We can only achieve this goal with a large community, maximum attention and when everyone starts moving. Therefore, we would like to cover 100,000 kilometres in 2023 and 2024 together with you, in line with the donation amount.

2 options how you can support:

Donate your desired amount now

Sign up your company and benefit from it!
(More information)

Create attention

  1. Join the Miles4Education sports community.
  2. Track your miles and upload a screenshot of them on our website.*
  3. Optional: Tag us on social media (@Pedal4travel & @BuildingFuture)

*The usage of all tracking apps is possible (Adidas, Komoot, Strava, etc.). Alternatively, simply upload a picture of the kilometres covered while, for instance, using the treadmill in the gym.

What will my donation be used for?

Eagles Nest Community Centre -
A follow-up project of the Eagle’s Nest Kindergarten in Grabouw (South Africa)

Next Step: Miles4Education raises funds to support the construction of a community centre adjacent to the Eagle’s Nest Kindergarten in Grabouw (near Cape Town). Our common goal is to support children throughout their entire educational journey and not only during their early childhood. The following sub-projects will be realised: after-school care, a computer lab, a library and a gardening centre. The funds raised through Miles4Education will be used primarily for the construction of an after-school care area as well as a sports centre. 

Sub-projects of the Eagle’s Nest Community Centres -
100% of your donation will go towards the implementation of the following projects:

After-school care

4 classrooms for approximately 120 children

Goal achieved

Sports field

Facilities accommodating several sports offers

25.000€ are missing

About us

That’s us – Florian (left) and Yannik (right), the initiators of Miles4Education. We met at the University Católica in Lisbon, where we are both currently completing our Master’s in Management with a specialisation in Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Impact. The latter is much more than a specialisation for us. We live impact, we want to improve the world and give something back. We believe in leveraging sports, innovation and the latest technologies to identify opportunities to help socially disadvantaged people and reduce the impact on our environment. We have been living this for some time now and have therefore started a social initiative (Yannik) and founded an NGO (Florian). You can find out more about our commitment so far within the “About Us” section. 

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0.000km out of 100.000km

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Every kilometre creates awareness and contributes to our common goal of 100,000 KM.

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Thank you for submitting your KM.

Your kilometres will now be checked and then added to the kilometre display. If you also want to pay for your kilometres, you can easily make a donation via the Donate button.